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Privacy Policy

Effective as of March 1, 2022 | Last Updated July 31, 2023

If you started a subscription before March 1, 2022, your use of the Evolv Services is governed by the terms that can be accessed by clicking the button.

Scope of This Policy

Evolv Technology Solutions Inc. (“Evolv AI”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit the Websites (“Visitors”) and individuals who register to use the Services (“Customers”) as defined below. This Privacy Policy describes Evolv AI’s privacy practices in relation to the use of the Websites. Any information provided to or gathered by Evolv AI is controlled by Evolv Technology Solutions, Inc. and its affiliates. In this Privacy Policy, “you” and “your” refers to individual users of the Evolv AI Services, as
defined below.


1. Websites Covered

This Privacy Policy covers the information practices of websites that link to this Privacy Policy, including:,,,,

and other Evolv AI websites (collectively, the “Websites and, together with any related software, tools and services provided in connection with the Websites, the “Evolv AI Services”). This Privacy Policy describes how Evolv AI collects, uses, shares and secures the personal information you provide. It also describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information.


2. Acknowledgement

By submitting or making available your personal information through our Website or the Evolv AI Services, you confirm that you have read and acknowledged the terms of this Privacy Policy and you understand Evolv AI’s practices around the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


3. Information Collected

When expressing an interest in obtaining additional information about the related applications and Services offered by Evolv AI or registering to use the Services, Evolv AI may require you to provide personal contact information, such as:

  • Personal Data: name and email address.
  • Company Information: Company name, address, or phone number.
  • Statistical information: company annual revenues, number of employees, or industry.

The information described above in this paragraph is referred to collectively as “Website User Data.”

Personal information or “Personal Data”, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified, or which when combined with other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, Evolv AI could be used to identify that person.

In addition, when you visit the Websites, Evolv AI and its partners may collect certain information by automated means, such as cookies or similar technologies (“Website Navigational Information”). A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a visitor’s computer or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser. We also may use third-party website analytics tools (such as Omniture or Google), that collect information about visitor traffic on our sites. The information we may collect by automated means includes: standard information from your Web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and the actions you take on Websites (such as the Web pages viewed and the links clicked) to analyze trends in the aggregate and administer the site.


4. Use of Information Collected

  • Evolv AI uses Website User Data to perform the services requested. For example, if you fill out a “Contact Me” Web form, Evolv AI will use the information provided to contact you about your interest in the Services.
  • Evolv AI may also use Website User Data for marketing purposes. For example, Evolv AI may use information you provide to contact you to further discuss your interest in the Services and to send you information regarding Evolv AI and its partners, such as information about promotions or events.
  • Evolv AI uses credit card information solely to check the financial qualifications of prospective Customers and to collect payment for the Services.
  • Evolv AI uses Website Navigational Information to operate and improve the Websites. Evolv AI may also use Website Navigational Information alone or in combination with Website User Data to provide personalized information about Evolv AI usage.


5. Website Navigational Information

Cookies and IP Addresses

Evolv AI uses commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies or similar technologies, to collect Website Navigational Information. This section describes the types of Website Navigational Information that may be collected on the Websites and how this information may be used.

Cookies – When you visit the Websites, Evolv AI’s servers send a cookie to your computer. Standing alone, cookies do not personally identify you; they merely recognize your Web browser.

Evolv AI uses cookies that are session-based and persistent-based. Session cookies exist only during one session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser or turn off your computer. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser or turn off your computer. Please note that if you disable your Web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Websites, but the functionality and features of the Services may be affected, and you may not be able to successfully use the Services. Similarly, if you disable JavaScript, some features of the Websites may not function properly, and some areas of the Websites may not function at all.

If you have chosen to identify yourself to Evolv AI, Evolv AI uses session cookies containing encrypted information to be able to uniquely identify you. Each time you log into the Services, a session cookie containing an encrypted, unique identifier that is tied to your account is placed your browser. These session cookies allow Evolv AI to uniquely identify you when you are logged into the Services and to process your online transactions and requests. Session cookies are required to use the Services.

Evolv AI uses persistent cookies that only Evolv AI can read and use to identify browsers that have previously visited the Websites. When you purchase the Services or provide Evolv AI with personal information, a unique identifier is assigned you. This unique identifier is associated with a persistent cookie that Evolv AI places on your Web browser. Evolv AI is especially careful about the security and confidentiality of the information stored in persistent cookies. For example, Evolv AI does not store account numbers or passwords in persistent cookies. If you disable your Web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Websites, but you will not be able to successfully use the Services.

Evolv AI may use information from session and persistent cookies in combination with Website User Data to provide you with information about Evolv AI and the Services.

Evolv AI may share certain information that it collects using cookies with third parties. For example, Evolv AI may engage third parties to track and analyze usage and volume statistical information from individuals who visit the Websites, such as Google Analytics or Omniture. Evolv AI may also contract with third-party advertising networks that collect IP addresses and other information from the Websites, from emails, and on third-party Websites. Ad networks follow your online activities over time by collecting Web Site Navigational Information through automated means, including through the use of cookies. They use this information to provide advertisements about products and services tailored to your interests. You may see these advertisements on other websites. This process also helps Evolv AI manage and track the effectiveness of its marketing efforts. Third parties, with whom Evolv AI may partner to provide certain features on the Websites or to display advertising based upon your Web browsing activity, may use Flash cookies to collect and store information. The information that Evolv AI may share with third parties described in this paragraph, however, does not include any personally identifiable information. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising click here or if located in the European Union click here. Please note you will continue to receive generic ads.

To learn how to opt out of certain cookies using your browser settings click here.

IP Addresses – When you visit the Websites, Evolv AI collects your IP addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information. For example, Evolv AI uses IP addresses to monitor the regions from which Customers and Visitors navigate the Websites.

Do Not Track – Currently, various browsers – including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari – offer a “do not track” or “DNT” option that relies on a technology known as a DNT header, which sends a signal to Websites visited by the user about the user’s browser DNT preference setting. Evolv AI does not currently commit to responding to browsers’ DNT signals with respect to the Websites, in part, because no common industry standard for DNT has been adopted by industry groups, technology companies or regulators, including no consistent standard of interpreting user intent. Evolv AI takes privacy and meaningful choice seriously and will make efforts to continue to monitor developments around DNT browser technology and the implementation of a standard.


6. Sharing of Information Collected

Service Providers

Evolv AI uses third parties who provide services on our behalf to help with our business activities such as managing our credit card processing. Our contracts with these companies prohibits them from using your information for any other purpose.

Compelled Disclosure

Evolv AI reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or if Evolv AI reasonably believes in good faith that use or disclosure is necessary to protect Evolv AI’s rights, protect your safety or the safety of others and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, government request or legal process.

Sale to a Third Party

If Evolv AI, or substantially all of its business or assets, is acquired by a third party, Website User Data would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by the successor or acquirer. You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in (i) ownership; (ii) uses of your personal information; and (iii) choices you may have regarding your personal information.


7. International Transfer of Information Collected

To facilitate Evolv AI’s global operations, personal information collected on our websites may be stored and processed in the United States and any other country in which Evolv AI or its affiliates or joint ventures maintains facilities or has operations, including countries which may not have data protection laws similar to the laws in the country from which you initially provided the information. By choosing to use our websites and to provide data to them, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.


8. Additional Disclosures for those in the United Kingdom, European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland

International Transfers

Where we transfer your Personal Data to another country outside the UK, EEA and / or Switzerland, we will ensure that it is protected and transferred in a manner consistent with legal requirements. In relation to data being transferred outside the UK and / or EEA, for example, this may be done in one of the following ways:

  1. the country that we send the data to might be approved by relevant data protection authorities as offering an adequate level of protection for Personal Data;
  2. the recipient might have signed up to a contract based on “model contractual clauses” approved by relevant data protection authorities, obliging them to protect your Personal Data;
  3. in other circumstances the law may permit us to otherwise transfer your Personal Data outside Europe.

You can obtain more details of the protection given to your Personal Data when it is transferred outside the UK, EEA and / or Switzerland (including a copy of the standard data protection clauses which we have entered into with recipients of your Personal Data) by contacting us as described in Section 18 below. Please note, following recent decisions invalidating the adequacy of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shields, we no longer rely on the Privacy Shields for cross-border personal data transfers. However, Evolv AI still participates in the EU-U.S. and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks and more information about this program is also provided below.

Legal Basis for Processing

We have listed the use of your Personal Data by us in Section 4 above. The legal grounds on which we process the Personal Data for those uses includes; if you consent to the processing, to satisfy our legal obligations, if it is necessary to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts we entered with you or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you, or for our legitimate interests to providing our services to our customers and the effective management of Evolv AI and to protect our property, rights or safety of Evolv AI, our customers or others. If data processing is based on consent, note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, but that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

International and Onward Transfers of Data

Information that our European users submit through the Evolv AI Services or the Website is sent to and stored on secure servers located in the United States of America and may be transferred by us to our other offices and/or to the third parties who may be situated in the United States of America or elsewhere outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and may be processed by staff operating outside the EEA. The US and other non-EEA countries do not have similar data protection laws to the European Union, and you should be aware in particular that the law and practice in the United States and some other non-EEA countries in respect of law enforcement and national security authority access to data is significantly different from Europe. However, we will ensure as reasonably as possible that where your personal information is to be transferred or shared outside the EEA, that it is only transferred or shared where we have appropriate safeguards in place, for example by agreeing standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.

For individuals located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), United Kingdom, or Switzerland (collectively the “Designated Countries”): Where personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, Evolv AI implements appropriate safeguards, such as contractual obligations, and standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission relating to the transfer.

You also have a right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority situated in a member state of your habitual residence, place of work, or place of alleged infringement. You can find the relevant supervisory authority name and contact details here for individuals located in the EEA and here for individuals located in the United Kingdom.


9. Privacy Shield Framework

Please note, following recent decisions invalidating the adequacy of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shields, we no longer rely on the Privacy Shields for cross-border personal data transfers and instead rely on mechanisms set forth in Section 8. However, Evolv AI still complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks (Privacy Shield) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data transferred from the European Union and the United Kingdom and Switzerland to the United States in reliance on Privacy Shield. Evolv AI has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles with respect to such information. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Frameworks, and to view our certification, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield List at

Evolv AI is responsible for the processing of personal data it receives, under each Privacy Shield Framework, and subsequently transfers to a third party acting as an agent on its behalf. Evolv AI complies with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers of personal data from the EU, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, including the onward transfer liability provisions.

With respect to personal data received or transferred pursuant to the Privacy Shield Frameworks, Evolv AI is subject to the regulatory enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. In certain situations, we may be required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at

Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Privacy Shield website at, you may be entitled to invoke binding arbitration when other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted.


10. Communications Preferences

Evolv AI offers Customers and Visitors who provide contact information a means to choose how Evolv AI uses the information provided. You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of Evolv AI’s marketing emails. Additionally, you may send a request specifying your communications preferences to Customers cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to their account with Evolv AI or the Services.


11. Correcting, Updating, and Deleting Your Information

At any time, you can request access to your personal information, request that any inaccuracies be corrected, and request that comments or explanations be added to records about you.

You can also ask about:

  • whether and why we have your personal information;
  • how we got your personal information;
  • what we have done with your personal information;
  • to whom we have communicated your personal information;
  • where your personal information has been stored, processed or transferred;
  • how long we will retain your personal information, or how that retention period will be determined; and
  • the safeguards in place to protect your information when it is transferred to third parties or third countries.

Finally, you can ask us not to collect or use your personal information for certain purposes, you can ask us to delete your personal information, or you can ask us to provide your personal information to a third party.

Depending on which laws apply to your personal information, we will explain your legal rights, the reason for our refusal and any recourse you may have.

We will respond to your request without undue delay within 30 days. Evolv AI reserves the right to take reasonable steps to verify customer identity prior to granting access or processing changes or corrections.


12. Right to Complain to Supervisory Authority

Employee Policy

If you have any complaint about the way in which your personal information has been handled, you may raise the matter with your immediate line manager. If your complaint relates to your immediate line manager, or is something which does not relate to your immediate work area, you may raise the matter with either the appropriate HR representative or the next level of leadership (above your immediate line manager). Complaints should be made in writing and copied to an appropriate HR representative. You may also contact the Central Data Privacy Team at


We commit to investigating and resolving complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. To make a complaint, contact us at

Clearly state the following to help us address the issue effectively:

  • The specific data privacy complaint (please provide as much detail as possible including country, Evolv AI company/ brand, your understanding of the data privacy infringement and issues, redress requested);
  • Your full name and how we can contact you;
  • Any previous correspondence on this specific data privacy issue.

For European Union Residents

If you are in the EU, you should contact to resolve your complaint, regardless of which of our companies the complaint is about. If you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you may complain to the Irish Data Authority located here. We commit to cooperating with the panel established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs) or the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and comply with the advice given by the panel or the FDPIC with regard to personal information transferred from the EU or Switzerland. For the Federal Trade Commission. In some conditions, you may be able to invoke binding arbitration to resolve your complaint where your personal information has been transferred to and processed in the United States.

For United Kingdom Residents

If you are in the EU, you should contact to resolve your complaint, regardless of which of our companies the complaint is about. If you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office located here.

For United States Residents

If you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you can make a privacy complaint to the Federal Trade Commission or you can make a consumer reporting complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

For Canadian Residents

If you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you may be able to make a complaint to one of the following regulatory agencies. Upon resolution of your complaint, we will let you know which of these, if any, may apply to your situation.

  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
  • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
  • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
  • Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec

We aim to resolve all issues in a timely manner, or as mandated by local law, but if this is not possible because a more detailed investigation is required, we will keep in regular contact with you to ensure that you are kept informed of the resolution of your matter.


13. Data Retention

Evolv AI will retain the information we receive as described in this Privacy Statement for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services and to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected. Evolv AI will retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


14. Customer Data

As part of using our Services, Customers may submit electronic data or information to the Services (“Customer Data”) which may include personal information. The use of information collected through our Services shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the Customer has engaged Evolv AI. Evolv AI generally has no direct relationship with the individuals to whom Customer Data may pertain, which we process on the behalf of our Customers. Any uses of Customer Data by Evolv AI are done so pursuant to Evolv AI’s Master Services Agreement (MSA). If personal information pertaining to you as an individual has been submitted to us by a Customer as Customer Data and you wish to exercise any rights you may have to access, correct, amend, or delete such data, please inquire with the Customer (or his/her organization) directly. If an authorized Customer requests that we update or remove the data in question and the Customer has no ability to do so via use of the Services, we will acknowledge their request within 30 days. We may transfer personal information to companies that help us provide our service. Transfers to subsequent third parties are covered by the service agreements with our Customers.

We will retain personal data we process on behalf of our Customers for as long as needed to provide services to our Customer. Evolv AI will retain this personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


15. Security

The security, integrity and confidentiality of your information are extremely important to us. Evolv AI uses commercially reasonable administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards that are designed to protect Website User Data against accidental, unauthorized, or unlawful access, use, loss, destruction or damage, but unfortunately, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and thus no company can fully eliminate security risks connected to handling information on the Internet. If you have any questions about the security of your personal information that we hold about you is no longer secure, you can contact us at


16. Children’s Guidelines

This site is a general audience site, although it contains information that may be of interest to children. However, Evolv AI does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 16. If Evolv AI becomes aware that it has collected information from a child, it will immediately delete that information.


17. Changes to This Privacy Statement

Evolv AI reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement. Evolv AI will provide notification of the material changes to this Privacy Statement through the Websites at least thirty (30) business days prior to the change taking effect. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.


18. Contacting Us

If you have questions or suggestions regarding this privacy statement or our handling of personal data, please contact by email, or by mail at Evolv AI Privacy, 580 Market Street, #200, San Francisco, CA 94104 USA.


Europe: European Data Protection Officer Robert Severn,